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Sep 18, 2010

Rachel Carson

After the World War II, many types of new insecticides came to the market, including DDT, which is worshipped as the main weapon in the war to combat pest and to increase harvests. Nobody considered the effect that insecticides may cause, which cannot be decompossed naturall by the soil and other organisms. In 1962, a book written by an American marine biologist, Rachel Carson (1907-1964), entitled Silent Spring attracted many people on the destructions caused by these chemicals. In her book, Carson presented an evidence that insecticides do not kill the pest only. The secondary consumers predate insect that are infected by the chemical sprays and therefore this accumulates pesticides in the bodies of the secondary consumers. The chemicals accumulate more in every increasing rank of thropic pyramid so the danger seriously threats the organism in the top of food web, including human beings. Carson wants that not only time will come when the song of birds are not heard anymore to welcome the spring, but the human beings have also threatened their own exixtence.

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